Shit Creek News March/April
Susan McLean, whose work appeared in The Chimaera of May 2008, has an essay on translating Martial's epigrams in Amphora, the newsletter of the American Philological Association, now available for free in PDF at the address below:
The essay is on pages 4-5 and includes a few sample translations.
Sally Cook who has appeared several times in TC and SCR, has a poem, 'Some of the Parts' in the current issue of The New Formalist, another poem 'The World Arises' in Contemporary Sonnet Number 4 and an essay 'A Very Contemporary Artist Speaks' in the most recent issue of The Formalist Portal.
Work by Joseph S. Salemi appears in a new anthology recently published by published by The Oxford University Press, titled A Mind Apart. The book, clustering about themes of melancholia, madness, and addiction, has as its editor one Dr. Mark S. Bauer, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard
Salemi’s 'Sicilian Beachhead' keeps good company with poets from the fourteenth century up to the moment such as Cowper, Clare, Dowson, Herbert, Hardy, Kees, Larkin, Millay, Plath, Roethke, and others.
Sonnets galore! Recent new editons have appeared of online sonnet magazines 14by14 and Contemporary Sonnet, two magazines which serve the sonnet form excellently. Both feature work by many authors who have appeared in SCR and The Chimaera.
That excellent poetry forum The Gazebo has had major server troubles which are now being repaired, but the repairs will take some time. Meanwhile a Gazebo in Exile forum has been set up at The Gazebo is a a very good place to have your poetry critiqued — in return of course for offering your own critique of the work of others there. It also offers discussion about submission of work for publication in various venues. And let us not forget that it was a riotous thread at Gazebo that gave birth to the legendary Shit Creek Review. Hmmm...